read meh
PLEASE. IF YOU DON'T SUGGEST AN IDEA I CAN DO, I LOSE... 10 minutes of my life thinking about writing something...
so help me
Also comment if you want to write!
I'll try to... let you post
PLEASE. IF YOU DON'T SUGGEST AN IDEA I CAN DO, I LOSE... 10 minutes of my life thinking about writing something...
So hopefully you can read this... but really. I'm dead out of ideas. Please. Give. Me. SOMETHING!! I honestly don't care if you said "write a story about you dying." I'll just write a story about YOU dying... heheheheheh...
Now this story's idea is from Sabrina, so give credit to her! Not meh... *grabs knife* SO. DO. NOT. CREDIT. ME!!!
This was Arca's idea soo... enjoy! And don't give me all of the credit. :3