Sunday, October 22, 2017

Spook Time

It was a dark day. Friday the 13th has finally come.

October. Friday the 13th.


yeah its october

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Arnold the Penguin

So time for like a 1 paragraph story

Arnold was a penguin. All he did was eat fish and slide down snow and ice slopes. His older brother and his dad always went to hunt for food, so Arnold didn't have much to do all day. He hangs out with his friends that actually do stuff during the day, but mostly have free time. One day, he encountered a seal. This seal was named Banana. Her family was named after fruit, and the fruit names kept going. Banana watched as Arnold and some other penguins slide down the slope with ease, and then she wanted to do the same. She started to waddle up to the top of the slope.

"Hi penguins! Can I try to slide down the slope? It looks really fun!" Banana was jumping around, ecstatic about the chance in a lifetime. The response she got was a few shrugs. But, Arnold nodded, even smiling. She took that as a yes, and went for a slide. The moment she slid down, she started turning and twisting. She finished the slope, and went for a fish.

The End

i write some great stories am i right

Update on this Blog

Wow, I haven't used this thing in a while.

Anyways, about this blog thing...
I will probably not use it, maybe post a little 1 paragraph story here and there. So if you really want to go see my blog posts, go to my Google Plus page. That'll be much better than this.

Also, go check out my school friend Arca's blog:

He has a much better one than I do

So I guess see you later?

(and also some spoopy font)

Friday, February 24, 2017

School Writing Stuff (im bored)

Beep. Beep. Beep.

The alarm clock shook as Tyler went to slam the off button. It was going to be another, boring day at school. Nothing much. He got up, changed into a white t-shirt and some jeans, and headed towards the bathroom.

The sink had bits of hair in it from his sister. He looked in the mirror, seeing his brown, messy hair with his tired blue eyes. Grabbing his cyan toothbrush, he noticed that his sister's pink hairbrush wasn't on the counter. He knew that she took it everywhere, but it was only 5 in the morning, and she normally wakes up at about 6. He shrugged it off.

Thumping down the wooden stairs, he saw his dad already eating a piece of bread with butter spread across it.

"Hey dad. Do we have anymore chips?" Tyler tiredly said while trying to keep awake. His dad responded with the same, dead voice he normally does in the day.

"I have no idea. Your brother might have ate the last bag or so," he replied. Sighing, Tyler prepared his breakfast, pouring Frosted Flakes and almond milk. Munching on the cereal, he watched as a few of his friends already started walking to school. It was still dark, and they had a pocket flashlight. The light shined on the sidewalk, going back and forth as they were blind.

After all of the cereal was out of the bowl, he rushed to place it into the sink, then grabbed his backpack. The black and white design was pretty generic, and no one really cared about it. Running towards the front door, he said goodbye to his dad, and went off to school.

Monday, December 12, 2016


So, this hasn't been touched in a while.

Have a nice day

Saturday, October 15, 2016

read meh

PLEASE. IF YOU DON'T SUGGEST AN IDEA I CAN DO, I LOSE... 10 minutes of my life thinking about writing something...

so help me

Also comment if you want to write!

I'll try to... let you post

Friday, October 7, 2016

Ok, gimme stuff to do.

So hopefully you can read this... but really. I'm dead out of ideas. Please. Give. Me. SOMETHING!! I honestly don't care if you said "write a story about you dying." I'll just write a story about YOU dying... heheheheheh...

why am i doing this

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Random Story from Sabrina :)

Now this story's idea is from Sabrina, so give credit to her! Not meh... *grabs knife* SO. DO. NOT. CREDIT. ME!!!

Once upon a time there was a skeleton. His name was Henry. Henry lived in a pile of blood. Henry didn't like the pile of blood.

And then he went to his village, which was blood, and he saw a new human.

"Hello human! Do you want to join in the blood hot tub?" overheard Henry. He walked over to the human, and pushed him into the 'hot tub', burning him to death. And then he came as a skeleton, and they repeated the process with all of the humans who wandered in.


Monday, October 3, 2016

President Potato

This was Arca's idea soo... enjoy! And don't give me all of the credit. :3

In the Jones' family, they have a fridge. The fridge, of death. All food in there will be eaten in a couple of days, which scares all. But there was one potato that was determined to get out alive with all of his friends. They were just bought, and his sister, Mali, sadly was eaten. So Machi the potato, went out to build a machine to talk to humans.

So after a day, since they were all smart and determined, they finished. They sent little Bimmy to test it, and it worked!

"Did it work? Wait... IT DID!!!" screamed Bimmy but it was so quiet.

They all were relieved and sent Machi into the machine. Machi was able to talk fluently and had a very big vocabulary list. He was so impressed he even complimented himself with a very high amount of outstanding word box. He ran to the strongest cheese block and told him to try and push the fridge door open, of course in food language. He tried with all of his might, and ended up pushing the door slightly, but even a carton of milk could fit through it. Machi waved at all of his friends, and went off to explore. And then he found the door.


im bored...

well the title says so...

gimme stuff to do.


Friday, September 30, 2016


Well, September has gone by REALLY fast and now...

well I don't know.

Eh suggest topics cus I have no ideas.

thanks for reading
